Saturday, June 11, 2022

Reality Doll Achieves Perfect Concealment

Sex dolls come in different designs; some are made of TPE, while others, like silicone sex dolls, have removable body parts. So depending on the type of execution, you can make them as small as possible before storing.

Once they're small and the perfect size, you can now hide them in multiple places.

Hang in the closet

This is the preferred and most recommended option. Most of the real love dolls have a detachable head that hangs from a special insert at the neck hook, giving us something factory processed and a way to store the doll, which prevents certain parts of the body from lying flat . What happens when a doll lies in a certain position on a hard surface or a certain part of the body for a long time, usually the hips and chest are the parts that can be squashed for a long time. Ask our team if this option is available for your anime love doll.

Over you

Under the bed While it's clear that there can be a place under the bed to hide sex dolls and toys, according to some customers, this is sometimes the safest place for dolls, but it may not be the best. You might be surprised that most people spend most of their time looking for what's in their closet, not under the bed.

However, you shouldn't go straight through the doll under the bed because you don't think anyone will see it. You have to have tactics. That's it.

Put your love doll in a box. A lockable flight case is best for this. In this case, it's hard to notice.

Use stuffing - it's crazy to push your doll under the bed. Use at least some clothing pads to prevent anyone from seeing them.

Do you hide your doll in the utility room?

If you have extra space to store old household items/farm tools, you can also use it for concealment purposes. Few people suspect that you have a beautiful full size sex doll hidden inside.

While utility rooms can be safe, there are some challenges. Chief among them is how to bring your big ass doll into your room without anyone seeing or noticing you. Suppose you wrap it in your clothes and try to tuck it in. If your wife knocked or opened the door, what would you tell her?

Right now, the single safest place to hide a sex doll is your bedroom, only you need to be extra careful. Every little mistake can be the most embarrassing thing you find.

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